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Ingrained Prejudice


To the parents who would indoctrinate their kids to adhere to the paradigm in which the parents were raised and are familiar. In the long run, if your kid is relatively intelligent, you are merely slowing down their development in order to make your life easier to understand.

Understanding, though, is always limited to the body of “knowledge” that is understood. For instance, the understanding of white men, at the level that has been empowered by those in control of the franchise that has worked its way to a level of high influence if not control, has largely controlled what knowledge should be considered as the US has moved down its path of evolution.

Now, in Florida for example, there is an overt movement to assure that the knowledge upon which children will form understandings, and opinions, is expressly limited to that knowledge that satisfies the white male perspective. As with any caste system, those at the top have decided this is “good” for society. Their reason(s) for such a concept is the perpetuation of the paradigm that has been formed over centuries, including in European countries before being birthed here.

Here’s the thing: before the printing press, and the increased spread of literacy, all knowledge emanated from the Ruling Body of the place of residence. That ruling body included a religion of some form that was sanctioned by the physical ruler.

Those two entities worked in common to assure that each continued so that the other could continue as well. See the creation of the Church of England by its Ruler as the most prominent example of this connection. The First Amendment of the Constitution expressly recognizes this potential union and provides the rationale to assure that it never applied in the US.

Once literacy spread to the “common” man, instead of merely those empowered and sanctioned by those in power, the knowledge that leaked out was without censorship. Now, take us past newspapers, radio, TV, etc. all the way to the internet, and knowledge is leaking out to even those that are “way low” on the spectrum by which “success” is measured by the person caught up in the dance.

If kids are limited to what they understand, by restriction of exposure to “non-like” ideas, then when they emerge from the cocoon created by such maneuvers, they will be steps behind those that were not so restricted. So parents, unless you want your kid to have to greatly adjust their understanding of the world once they get loose of you, allow them to fully share the experiences of others who are “out” there, even if that means learning about shit you never did.

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