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Hey, hey, hey!


if this starts it, then it does so as the result of a not unrelated set of an event and a goal. An old friend called me yesterday and through our conversation he reminded me that peopled of high character practice, appreciate and honor honestey, in simplicity. It was somewhat serendipitous that he called, looking to talk to someone who understood him, at a point in time that I needed that, muatis mutandis.
There are certain rules for which discretion is not really permitted for a person of character. I like to hope that not everyone that doesn’t seem to apply that princiiple acts in such a way with aforethought. I hope it is just an unfortunate result of not being taught, and unable to pick up, the concept, by merely paying attention to life.
Just saw Asphalt Jungle. Can’t believe that a hit movie did that (the subject matter) then and the exact stuation continues to exists today. Exposure did not result in any meaningful progress on changing the perspecctve of the class of people who have no familiear roll model working within the rules and succeeding. How weird. It was followed on this ramdom station landed upon, by Elmer Gantry, which has a significant religious freedom disclaimer at its start. There’s a statement on society, follow official disclaimers on orginal publications (of different media).
The pack is currently following the lead of talkers and sellers, not of doers. It appears, clearly, that recognition of cause and effect is avoded by means of distraction, at least by most. Can that be changed through the greater commuication provided by the internet? I guess it is possible, but will “advertising” defeat more collective thinking. If the number of smart people connecting can figure out how bo commuicate with those that don’t see things intuitively. Then, also, the commnication has to be thorough. Is there hope?
Can the thinker alpha dogs convey by internet communication that which normally only translates by personal tranmission (largely through body language)? Regardless, it will be necessary for some to recognize the need for the alpha influence, which usually comes into play only in an emergency. Can the emergency be adequately conveyed prior to actual onset? That would be a fundamental change in the development growth of human kind. Save a complete meltdown by early recognition. Turning the masses through education (communication) rather than reaction to an emergency (which is when alphas who have been shelved during easy times come forward as others step back.)
So, anyone “hearing”?
Ted, bridge and backgammon, Michigan, Rutgers, you out there?

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One Comment
  1. Dear Neighbor Dave, recently a very handsome and charming neighbor of mine installed a hot tub in his fenced-in backyard. He has asked me repeatedly to join him in an assumed relaxed and friendly environment. So my problem is that he is not quite Alpha D material; yet I still feel the urge to join. First question: how do I say yes but not lead him on; second: do you have a hot tubb?

    Thank you,

    Highlands Neighbor

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