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Brain Fart 7/2/21


OK, stay with me on this if you can.

I have observed over my lifetime that sports has provided a metaphor of life for my brain. Maybe it is just me, but perhaps is settles in on other people as well, but not articulated as such.

Quick jump back: Centuries ago, those men who were not born into any financial safe place, if they were capable, would fight for a person who was in the financial/property/power game – the King, then his Dukes, etc. Sure, you might start in a remote location merely defending the town against would be robbers, but if you were good enough, and the King called up all reserves, you might battle in those contests that have come down in history as shifting or keeping power.

Then you get to the Scots and the Irish relative to England. The Scots and Irish would fight for compensation. They were mercenaries and both sides knew that (the English and both of them). They made financial gain as the result of fighting!

Let that sink in.

They did not, however, get a share of the Crown.

(Here’s a side story for you to consider, but move on from: The English used but feared both the Irish and the Scots. The Scots had established a foot hold in Northern Ireland because the Irish were more interested in the other parts of the island and the Scots were latitudinally advantaged up there, especially with easy access from the larger island they shared with England, and England’s claim of right and title to the land. Then the English might have had this realization down in London. Hmm, the Scots and the Irish sometimes help us, but they also can be a pain in the ass, especially if they agree to combine on occasion. Those Scots are not Catholic and neither are we, but they don’t accept our Kings newly created religion. The Irish are tight with the religion we have dethroned in our country. If we want to keep them occupied, what if we got them interested in fighting with each other on an intellectual basis?)

They were largely given food and shelter during the fight, but their income may have rested upon what they scavenged at the end of a victory, or even during a loss. Maybe when they got home, if they obtained enough, they could create their own place there. Perhaps if they were noticed, and had a smart superior above them, as was apparently more common in Scotland, they would be acknowledged at home with some level of value. Anyway, the kingdom could not be kept without them, but they did not have any real equity in the Kingdom.

Here is a given that is illustrated to us all (if we have been paying attention), by The Pandemic. (By the way, let’s just call it that, eh, so it is what it will become in history. No need for Covid or other names, we know, now, what a pandemic is.). Here is the major lesson that was being taught to the world, but which the Pandemic accelerated by about a decade, 5 years at least: The paradigm of the “Boomers”, which has reigned for fifty years, is OVER. The paradigm was going to give up ground as time ticked on, but what The Pandemic has shown is that the “time of happening” has accelerated exponentially (as it has always done), but that exponential travels faster than ever before because of the exponential increase in communication – world wide.

Thoughts can be recorded and shared, on purpose and just casually, almost immediately around the entire freaking world with the stroke of a thumb or finger! This reality allows for people to recognize that the sharing of rewards for contribution to the success of the whole such that having a good place to carry out your years of life is beneficial to all levels affected thereby. The fact that 1% of the living people control at least 80% of all manner of measuring financial control of the planet is becoming exposed to a greater extent and, again, The Pandemic has shown the disparity in a highly focused fashion.

OK, so here is the sports metaphor, as even I am getting tired of this now. In the NBA, the pro sport in which the participants can be clearly seen to be who they are in the process of playing, more so than any other team sport because of proximity, the athletes have risen to the height of receiving 50% of some “net income” figure, but more clearly defined than merely EBITDA. They are the warriors who know get a take of all proceeds of the war. The common man, who is willing to work for in a position that keeps the wheels of society turning will be claiming that same right.

The Hammer: The Mason’s who ended up creating this country, as they existed then, might have been able to see this all, since they can trace their formation back to the entire fighting process I laid out above. Also, they are founded as a Meritocracy. They only need take the next step that the country they created must take based upon the change in “times”. They need to consider a means by which a greater sharing of the proceeds of daily activity, which provides a society in which living is less “cantankerous”, with everyone truly capable of being included, is formed.

Now, I could tell you how that ball has already started rolling, but that is for another day.

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